Mystical forest in Valia Calda, North Pindos National Park, Greece


The Greek Mountain Project is a colourful mosaic of different ideas, experiences, dreams, sharing and interaction with different people. A life-time project. 

Philosophy & Aim

The ambition of this initiative is to sustain self-funded research and cultural projects in the mountains. All this would be meaningless without respecting and supporting local communities, their economy and environment. Our philosophy is based on sharing our scientific and cultural knowledge & experiences gained along the years in those mystical mountains.

Pantavrehi (Πανταβρέχει) canyon, Karpenisi, Central Greece
Aris Leontaritis, author of Walking and Trekking in Zagori

Well, it all started when I was a student. I had plenty of free time, an old but unbreakable Toyota and the gasoline was cheap. Inspired by our unconventional and funny trips with my father as well as by my uncle’s crazy travels around the world, I set off to discover Greece and its limitless beauties. No matter if it was high on a bare frozen mountain, in a dense timeless forest or on a scorching hot rocky island in the Aegean Sea, it gradually became obvious to me that walking – and if possible, sleeping under the stars - was one of the best ways to explore a place. 

About Aris D. Leontaritis

My love for the great outdoors lured me away from an engineering career which never really evolved. In 2012 the Greek Mountain Project started taking its initial shape although I was not realising it at the time. During my postgraduate studies on mountainous environments, I was living in a small town in the heart of the Pindus Mountains in north-western Greece, where I was enthused to combine my scientific aspirations with my beloved hobby. The next step was to undertake my doctoral research on a fascinating geomorphological field: the former glaciers in the mountains of Greece and their significance towards understanding the climate of the past. In this framework I participated in several mountain research projects. Trying to be consistent with my philosophy, that science can be shared with everyone, a couple of citizen science projects have been organised. The response of people has been very encouraging and above all more satisfactory than any scientific conference. 

My stay in the mystical Pindus mountains also inspired me in fulfilling a dream I had since I was a teenager. To write a travelling guidebook. Proudly, “Trekking and Walking in Zagori” was published in 2018 by Cicerone press. Benefitting from the acquired knowledge of my beloved Zagori region in Epirus and after receiving proper training, I started working as a tour leader in guided hiking trips. In this job, I am loving the experience in outdoor activities while having in mind their sustainability. And naturally I enjoy sharing fun, experiences, and discoveries with people from every corner of this big world.

The Greek Mountain Project

Expanding the perception of Landscape

The different stimuIi being created during this ongoing course keep expanding my perception of landscape. I am glad to share this mental and physical exploration with different people, as reflected by a pair of art/cultural  projects related to different approaches of landscape and site-specific performances.